Friday, November 19, 2010

Hot dogs, solar modules, and where in the world is Thaddeus?! Another Homeboy's crew graduates from the Solar Panel Training Program at the East L.A. Skills Center...

The crew began by hauling out a solar-powered system that they would use to cook up hot dogs and chili...
Suddenly, Humberto asked Mike "Where is my buddy Thaddeus?  I miss him!"  Mike told Humberto he would look for Thaddeus, and not rest until he found him.
I guess Thaddeus was hiding in Mike's phone!
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew tended to the task of setting up the equipment.
A total of 21 solar modules to power up 2 hot-plates, a radio, and a microwave...
The power-line mechanics heard the solar crew was gonna be out there and they chose not to show up...either that, or they had joined the search party that was looking for Thaddeus!

Off in the distance we saw a figure approaching...

Yup, it was Thaddeus!
Humberto and young Chris welcomed Thaddeus and breathed a sigh of relief...
Jose P. smiled and said "Now I can get back to my domino game!"

Sid from the Hazard Projects volunteered to be the "weenie-roaster"...thanks for being of service Sid...
The guys lined up, hungry from the exhausting search for Thaddeus...

Jose Eduardo B. asked "Who is Thaddeus?"
Thaddeus and Humberto, BFFs!

The Graduating Class of  November 2010 along with their instructors, Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Calderon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another flock flies the coop...Part 1

Chris the young stud and pretend lil brother

Mike R. and Thaddeus S., my two shining stars...

Getting the spread ready...

Alfred, the first from this class to get work...make me proud, Alfred...

Ruben, Mike P., and Jose Eduardo...early morning study session...

I guess Joel thinks he is an Egyptian...

Jose P. a.k.a. Marlon...

Michael W...the Belizian Bee-Man

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thaddy turns politician and other late developments...

Gavin Newsom Rally

Listen, I am no politician, and I really don't care for the whole political game, but it is a very necessary evil that we have to deal with, so when Gavin Newsom, the Mayor of San Francisco, who is currently running for lieutenant governor of California, asked Homeboy Industries to support him, the bosses, Hector Verdugo and Aswad Humphries sent some of my solar boys out to support.  Here are som flicks from that rally...

Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, surrounded by Newsom supporters.  Why is Thaddeus Skiles smiling so much? (He is in the royal blue Homeboy shirt)  I think he began to develop a special fondness for the Mayor at this point.

Thaddeus begins to get closer and closer to the Mayor...

Ahhh, finally, the moment Thaddy had been waiting for...

 The Cursed Spot?

So you guys remember the disappearance of Elias Vaden?  He started the class, came one day and then become nothing but a memory in our program...
Elias Vaden

Elias was replaced with Damien Ramirez.  Well, Damien lasted about two weeks, but due to lack of attendance, we had to terminate him from the program...buh-bye Damien!  It happens...but could that be a sign of a curse on that last and final spot during this cycle of our program?  Halloween is coming up, one guys name is straight out of the bible, and the other one is named after the Anti-Christ in the movie "The Omen"...sinister forces at work?  You be the judge!

Damien Ramirez

Friday, October 15, 2010

Solar Power International 2010

The current mecca of solar...

Humberto and Thaddy with the first set of solar bunnies...

Humberto thought these were casino girls offering drinks...

Waiting in line at the convention center

Only a solar geek would have a backpack like this...

Concentrated PV cells

Ok, Humberto thought he was at a lowrider show by this time...

I don't think these fit in my car...

He had already been shocked 3 times...I guess he liked it...

A Solar Energy System for midgets...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Something About Mike

Check this guy out...his name is Mike Ramirez, and he is one of my top students in the program, but he is also a little strange at times.  I really like this picture of him on his bike, in his Mickey Dees uniform...what do you think?

Anyways, check it out, a couple of weeks ago, Mike sends me a text telling me that he is too sick to come to school...I didn't trip on it, and went about my day.  But when school let out, a couple of the guys and I were a little hungry so we ended up at the nearest McDonald's...check out the video...


That's my boy Humberto in the background saying "What's up Maniac!" and that's Mike trying to ignore him...the whole scene was surreal and hilarious!  Too sick for school, but not too sick to flip them patties, huh?

There's something about Mike....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Two Weeks Into The Program...

So let me introduce you to some more people involved in the program, and update you on some of the latest drama...

Mr. Ruiz...the electrical guru...Mr. Ruiz is head of the Photovoltaic department at the East L.A. Skills Center...excellent teacher, semi-genius...this dude knows something about everything!

Thaddeus student in the advanced class...fresh out of prison, lives in a behavioral modification program, and really trying to turn his life around.

 Humberto Aguilar...class clown.  Also fresh out of prison and trying to change his life through this program.

 Good ol' Jack Clopton...he's an addict in recovery trying to find a new start, something fresh...he also has been recently diagnosed with will this affect Jack's performance at school?  We will find out in the next few weeks.

 Kamilah Pia Burns...young Pia, the one and only female in the advanced class...this has been a struggle for her from the hasn't gotten any easier...recovering addict, single mom trying to re-establish her parental rights, student...quite a full plate for this young woman.

Salim of the late additions to the Homeboy Industries roster...really of the shining stars in the program.

 Mike Ramirez...this guy goes from shining star to problem child on a daily basis...I got a story about this guy at Mc Donald's that will trip you post, I promise.

 Elias Vaden...he's disappeared without a trace...we were really hopeful about this guy...he came one day and then poof! disappeared!  Where in the world is Elias?!?!

 Damien Ramirez...we put Damien in Elias' spot...young kid, the attendance is already spotty...we'll see how he turns out.

And finally, Ronnie O.  The cops went looking for him at his house on is Monday, and he didn't show...