Friday, November 19, 2010

Hot dogs, solar modules, and where in the world is Thaddeus?! Another Homeboy's crew graduates from the Solar Panel Training Program at the East L.A. Skills Center...

The crew began by hauling out a solar-powered system that they would use to cook up hot dogs and chili...
Suddenly, Humberto asked Mike "Where is my buddy Thaddeus?  I miss him!"  Mike told Humberto he would look for Thaddeus, and not rest until he found him.
I guess Thaddeus was hiding in Mike's phone!
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew tended to the task of setting up the equipment.
A total of 21 solar modules to power up 2 hot-plates, a radio, and a microwave...
The power-line mechanics heard the solar crew was gonna be out there and they chose not to show up...either that, or they had joined the search party that was looking for Thaddeus!

Off in the distance we saw a figure approaching...

Yup, it was Thaddeus!
Humberto and young Chris welcomed Thaddeus and breathed a sigh of relief...
Jose P. smiled and said "Now I can get back to my domino game!"

Sid from the Hazard Projects volunteered to be the "weenie-roaster"...thanks for being of service Sid...
The guys lined up, hungry from the exhausting search for Thaddeus...

Jose Eduardo B. asked "Who is Thaddeus?"
Thaddeus and Humberto, BFFs!

The Graduating Class of  November 2010 along with their instructors, Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Calderon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another flock flies the coop...Part 1

Chris the young stud and pretend lil brother

Mike R. and Thaddeus S., my two shining stars...

Getting the spread ready...

Alfred, the first from this class to get work...make me proud, Alfred...

Ruben, Mike P., and Jose Eduardo...early morning study session...

I guess Joel thinks he is an Egyptian...

Jose P. a.k.a. Marlon...

Michael W...the Belizian Bee-Man